Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Girl problems

Dear Grandpa,

Chris finally has a girlfriend! How did this happen, you ask? Your guess is as good as mine, but we don't have to worry about finding him a date for prom anymore! As happy as I am for him, I'm even happier I don't have his girlfriend texting me everyday asking if my brother likes her. That's one thing that hasn't changed since you were a kid, Grandpa. I still feel like girls have the short end of the stick, pre-relationship status. Don't get me wrong, it's completely different from 1920, but I'll explain:

Before the relationship state, girls:
-need to figure out if the guy is really worth it
-need to look good at all times
-start worrying about their boobs, or butts, or waists
-will get bombarded with questions from parents about where the date will take place, who with, what time, how long, etc.
-need to hold all farts and burps in until a few months into the relationship
-must carry gum
-always wait and worry about texts up until the relationship is confirmed and, sometimes, a few weeks after that
- misinterpret texts
-may or may not need to worry about periods
-are the ones to worry about pregnancy

Guys will always have the upper hand! It is so frustrating. Maybe in a few hundred years it will be totally opposite and my great great great grandgirls will have it so much easier than I did. All I'm saying, is that I'm happy that I'm through that phase. Now, all we have to worry about is Michael driving some innocent girl crazy!

Love always,
Your granddaughter

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