Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Dear Grandpa,

I guess it must be my time of the month because my emotions are like a freaking roller coaster. Either way, I need to talk to someone who isn't going to take sides, or use my venting time to vent to me, or just say something that isn't going to make me feel any better.

I think I have some super power where I can sense to the nth degree what someone is thinking, feeling, or planning. That being said, don't consider me a superhero because it's not like I have the power to snap my fingers and make everything better, I just have the burden of knowing too much. You know the saying, "no news is good news?" Well, I ALWAYS know.

So when parents argue, and IVF patients are pessimistic, and wives miss their lost ones, I understand how they're feeling even when I don't want to. I an older sister and I am a college student, but more than that, I am almost forced to be an adult when I just want to be a naive child. I wish I didn't listen or care so much, but it's who I am. 

Strangely, though, whether my roller coaster cycle is going back up or the sun is finally shining through my window, I feel better telling you about this. It helps that someone is listening to me and feeling everything that I have to feel, for a change. I love my life and there is nothing I would change about the people in it, but sometimes I feel too overwhelmed. I need a "me" day.

Love always,
Your granddaughter

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