Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I hate Valentine's Day

Dear Grandpa,

It's that time of year again. I don't know why, but just about everything bugs me today. Between all of the love statuses, the sappy profile pictures, couples making up that never should have been together in the first place, over priced roses being advertised everywhere, and that obnoxious, italicized, happy little reminder on my calendar that it's Valentine's Day.  Why does this stupid holiday even exist?

If you ask me, Valentine's Day is an excuse to be extra nice and cute and fake for 24 hours; it's one night where you take your significant other out to dinner instead of making them cook, serve, and clean for you; it's one night where you waste money on flowers that will just sit and die in a vase that you admired for 2 minutes; it's one night of making sex, massages, and "I love you" special. And when you're single, it's a day to love yourself. Well, what about the other 364 days of the year? Each and every person deserves to feel special and loved everyday and should not be subjected to make love "extra special" for one stupid holiday!

Look, I'm not doing this because I don't love someone (because I do) or because no one loves me (because people do), but I'm tired of the ignorance of people. *News flash*, money, flowers, and chocolate can't buy love. And it's not Valentine's day!!!!! It's Valentine's year, decade, century, lifetime! Love everyday like it was your last. Laugh, kiss, play, mess around, do stupid things, go out, make dessert, order in, and watch movies everyday. Make your whole life about love, not just one stupid, yearly holiday.

Happy Valentine's lifetime, Grandpa. I love you, always have, always will.

Love always,
Your granddaughter

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